United Through Reading Offers Care for the Caregiver

September 13, 2016

At United Through Reading (UTR) we often emphasize the benefits of the read-aloud experience for the deployed service members and the military children who receive our UTR packages, including a video and book. We focus on how connected, engaged, and bonded they are through participating in our program.

We recently heard from two of our UTR moms who reaffirmed our program holds a special place in their hearts – and in their schedules – for an altogether different reason. Spouses and caregivers value the support and love that each video represents. But don’t take it from us; hear it straight from the source.

“United Through Reading holds a very special place in my heart.  I had the honor of marrying my best friend nearly 15 years ago and in doing so I became a Navy wife.  We have four wonderful children and we are a close family even with the trials of separations that we have been through. Over the course of my husband’s career, we’ve spent more than 4 years apart. Our first United Through Reading videos arrived just after Rex had left on a 10-month deployment. 

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The Boblett Family post-deployment.

At first I thought that this was just for the kids to help them stay connected to Daddy.  Soon I realized that UTR was a gift for me, as well.  When my husband is deployed I lose my teammate and support system at home.  I am the only one that the kids can come to when they need something and I have to be ‘on’ all of the time. With these videos I can pop one in and be able to make dinner uninterrupted, or I can use the videos for Rex to tell the kids their bedtime stories while I tidy up and do the dishes before tucking them in to bed. Sometimes I read a book myself for a rest. Those little 30 minute breaks can really help a spouse recharge when they are alone.” 

– Veronica Boblett, UTR Mom

“As a military spouse and mother of three children (ages 10, 9 and 7), I have found United Through Reading to be an invaluable resource to help me navigate the challenges of military life. We were first introduced to the program when our children were toddlers and the joy of reading was just taking off. My husband was set to deploy and I was very concerned about the milestones he would miss while away. How would I do it all alone? It was a relief to find something as simple as a recorded story to offer the kids (and me) a way to connect with him. For me, the mail delivery of a video recording was often the highlight of a difficult week caring for young children alone. 

The Melson kids watching their Dad's UTR video. Mom, Stephanie, feels the loving support of her husband.

The Melson kids watching their Dad’s UTR video. Mom, Stephanie,
feels the loving support of her husband.

The UTR program has continued to be relevant and “grow with us” even as reading levels have expanded and the recorded stories have gotten longer. We have another separation looming, and our kids are already mapping out the chapter books they’d like him to read. For me, the best part isn’t just the reading, but the routine that a recording helps me to establish during an uncertain and emotional time. Honestly, it’s just one less thing I have to worry about.”

– Stephanie Melson, UTR Mom
